Here we will go through the basic concepts of 11g Database. As an Oracle DBA you have to do the bellow activities. You have to install a Database. You may have to create a database. If required a DBA sometimes have to do an upgrade of the Database Server and the Database also. As per requirements it is a general requirement in a project that the database need to be started, stopped or restarted. They have plan the storage and memory structure of the database. It is one of the primary duty of a DBA to maintain user list and their securities. You have to manage all the database objects such as views, tables, indexes etc. To do backups and recoveries whenever required.
Weather a DBA will do all these activities or there will be divisions in terms of responsibilities, that depends upon the requirement, scope, and size and budget of the project.
For doing the above activities a DBA uses the bellow tools. These are the weapons of a DBA to complete his tasks.
1. Make sure that you are using seeded iRecruitment External candidate responsibilities.
2. Set the SSO Profile settings with the values.
Applications SSO Login Types - Both Applications SSO Type - SSWA Applications SSO User Creation and Updation Allowed - Enabled Application SSO LDAP Synchronization - Enabled
3. Schedule the following concurrent processes: • iRecruitment Index Synchronization This ensures the job posting and document indexes are kept up to date and should be scheduled to run as follows: – Online index rebuild – to run every 5 minutes – Full index rebuild – to run each night
• Synchronize WF Roles
4. Check the IRC: Registration Business Group profile pointing to a correct business group for the iRecruitment External candidate Responsibility.
5. Add site visitor responsibilities to your Guest user Assign the iRecruitment Employee Site Visitor and iRecruitment External Site Visitor responsibilities to your guest user (identified by the Guest User Password profile option). This step is required to allow access to the site visitor screens without logging in to the application.
6. Also, download IrcVisitor.jsp page from the server and open the page in text editor and check if the Responsibility ID of 'iRecruitment Site Visitor' login page pointing to upon login. Pointing to a correct responsibility and this responsibility should be pointing in the login jsp page.
7. Set up proxy server Use the following profiles to set up your proxy server:
• Applications Server Side Proxy Host and Domain • Applications Proxy Bypass Domain • IRC: Proxy Authorization Password • IRC: Proxy Authorization User Name
8. Configure and Freeze your flexfields Configure and Freeze all flexfields used in iRecruitment. This stops error messages appearing on the screen telling you that your flexfields have not been frozen.
9. Check the log–in URL for iRecruitment users The URL for connecting to the iRecruitment system varies according to the user group. For example, the internal site visitor URL is different from the external site visitor URL. For external site visitors, you access the IrcVisitor.jsp. The location of this jsp will depend on your applications server, however, it is of the form: http://hostname:port/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp For internal site visitors, you access the IrcEmpVisitor.jsp. The location of this jsp also depends on your applications server, however, it is of the form: http://hostname:port/OA_HTML/IrcEmpVisitor.jsp You should replace the http://hostname:port/OA_HTML part of the URL with the URL of the html directory on your applications server. Note: If you have installed other languages, you activate iRecruitment in the required language by adding the following suffix to the log–in URLs: ?L=<language code> For example, http://hostname:port/OA_HTML/IrcVisitor.jsp?L=F would activate the French language version. The language codes are available in the table FND_INSTALLED_LANGUAGES. If you do not specify a language code, the default (US) is used
10. Configure the web pages for iRecruitment You configure the web page layout using the Personalization Framework. If applicable, configure flexfields, instructions and tips, and the delivered logos.
How to do printer setup in Oracle Application R12.
It is mainly required for automatic printing of concurrent request output. For this setup you have to setup a network printer in the Oracle Application. For setting up the printer you have to do the following activities.
First you have to install the printer at os level.
- Download CUPS software - Download the driver for your printer - Add the printer
Once the instllation has been done you have ot check the printer from the command line that you are able to print a file.
This can be tested by the lp command.
lpstat -a printer accepting requests since Fri 25 Nov 2011 05:34:15 PM IST
lpstat -t scheduler is running system default destination: printer device for printer: lpd:// printer accepting requests since Fri 25 Nov 2011 05:34:15 PM IST printer printer is idle. enabled since Fri 25 Nov 2011 05:34:15 PM IST
Go to and download the latest software and install it into the os.
Download the printer driver rpm and install it there in the server.
Configure the printer at OS level. Once done test the printer using the lp command.
lp <filename>
Then go to command promt, and modify the pasta_pdf.cfg file according to the requirement.
cd $FND_TOP/resource
cp pasta_pdf.cfg pasta_pdf.cfg_orig
vi pasta_pdf.cfg
Existing one - old value
preprocess=pdftops {inline} {outline}
New one - New value for PDF printing
preprocess=pdf2ps {inline} {outline}
Register the Printer in Oracle Applications
Navigation: System Administrator ==>> Install ==>> Printer
We need to Register the Printer with the same name which has been derived at the Linux BOX level,
If Driver is not already setup you have to setup the printer driver.
Navigation: System Administrator ==>> Install ==>> Printer ==>> Driver
In this we will be having four options where we can define a Custom Printer as well as Custom Printer Drivers for Printer. We need to register a Printer in the following Steps: Driver ==>> Styles ==>> Types ==>> Register In order to make use of PDF Printing Directly from a Concurrent Program we need to have PASTA_PDF Driver existing in the Oracle Applications. Navigation: System Administrator ==>> Install ==>> Printer ==>> Driver Driver Name : PASTA_PDF User Driver : Pasta PDF Driver Description : Pasta driver to print pdf converted to PostScript by 3rd party utility Driver Method : Program Driver Method Parameters : Spool File Program Name : FNDPSTAX Arguments: -pn$PROFILES$.PRINTER -f$PROFILES$.FILENAME – c$PROFILES$.CONC_COPIES -Fpasta_pdf.cfg
Defining and Assigning the Printer at Concurrent Program Level Let us consider the Example of Defining a printer for Concurrent Program. Usually we define Portrait or Landscape for the Style in the Concurrent Program at Output Tab. Here we need to specific PDF Publisher as the Style in Concurrent Program and as well we have to mention the Name of the Printer which was registered in the Oracle Applications.
Run this program to get the output at Printer Tray Select Options to select printer name and give number of copies as 1 Bounce the Concurrent Managers in case things didn’t work
This is the procedure to reset the password of Oracle Apps user password. It is a PL/SQL Procedure. Password reset scripts is mainly used for resetting all the apps user password, it is mainly used after cloning the development or test instance from production instance.
CURSOR cur_user_dtl IS
SELECT USER_ID, USER_NAME FROM fnd_user WHERE user_id >1000
result boolean;
FOR c_user_dtl IN cur_user_dtl LOOP
result := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username => c_user_dtl.user_name,
newpassword => 'password123');
IF result THEN
dbms_output.put_line('The password of ' || c_user_dtl.user_name || ' has failed to reset.');
result := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username => 'SYSADMIN',
How to reset Oracle Apps User Password from Backend?
Oracle Apps User password can be resetted form the front end. But if in some case it is not possible to reset the password from the Oracle Apps GUI Screen.
It can be done by two ways,
FNDCPASS utility
Oracle Apps Procedure
1. FNDCPASS utility: It is a command line utility provided by Oracle Application to change the password.
(i) SYSTEM ,It is used to change APPS/APPLSYS password
FNDCPASS < logon > 0 Y < system/password> SYSTEM < username > < new_password>
(ii) USER , It is used to change oracle applications user like SYSADMIN
FNDCPASS < logon> 0 Y < system/password> USER < username> < new_password>
(iii) ORACLE, It is used to change the password of oracle schema like GL,AP
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL gl1
(iv) ALLORACLE , It is used to change all passwords of all schema.
FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE welcome
2. Oracle Apps Procedure
You can use the bellow procedure to reset any Oracle Application user password like SYSADMIN
result boolean;
result := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username => :username,newpassword => :newpassword);