Monday, November 28, 2011


How to reset Oracle Apps User Password from  Backend?

Oracle Apps User password can be resetted form the front end. But if in some case it is not possible to reset the password from the Oracle Apps GUI Screen.

It can be done by two ways,

  1. FNDCPASS utility
  2. Oracle Apps Procedure

1. FNDCPASS utility: It is a command line utility provided by Oracle Application to change the password. 

(i) SYSTEM ,It is used to change APPS/APPLSYS password

FNDCPASS < logon > 0 Y < system/password> SYSTEM < username > < new_password>

(ii) USER , It is used to change oracle applications user like SYSADMIN

FNDCPASS < logon> 0 Y < system/password> USER < username> < new_password>

(iii) ORACLE, It is used to change the password of oracle schema like GL,AP

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ORACLE GL gl1

(iv) ALLORACLE , It is used to change all passwords of all schema.

FNDCPASS apps/apps 0 Y system/manager ALLORACLE welcome


2.   Oracle Apps Procedure

You can use the bellow procedure to reset any Oracle Application user password like SYSADMIN


result boolean;


result := fnd_user_pkg.changepassword(username => :username, newpassword => :newpassword);


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